Using savvy email funnels to turn TikTok views to awesome clients

January 30, 2024

“So in the first couple of weeks after my post, I got 400 new email subscribers.”

A ton of people teach about how to get visible (and maybe even go viral) on social media platforms like TikTok.

But… what about how to convert those views into email subscribers and paying clients?

I asked the founder of Kelli Jones Law, Kelli Jones, to break down the exact strategy that turned her TikTok virality into email subscribers.

(And then into paying customers and clients — remarkably quickly.)

Spoiler: she converted new TikTok followers to email subscribers at about a 10% rate (huge!).

Here’s our conversation, edited and condensed for clarity — link at the end to listen to the full, raw interview that’s more like a podcast!


We’re talking about capitalizing on TikTok visibility & virality. Can you give me the CliffsNotes of what your post was that went viral?

I posted a video that was just 60 seconds, where I was talking about the things people often miss after setting up an LLC. You know, there’s a lot of talk among business owners about just getting an LLC, but they don’t realize there are actually things you gotta do afterward to really get the benefits of having one. So, I laid out these four crucial steps. 

I posted it, and it just took off! It was crazy – in a couple of days, the views shot up from 10,000 to 500,000. And in just a week after I posted it, my followers jumped from like 350 to 10,000. Totally amazing.

Do you have any sense as to why this post took off when others didn’t?

Right off the bat in my video, I was like, ‘Hey new business owners,’ so it was clear who I was speaking to. It was also a quick, 60-second blast where I talked fast, because who’s got the attention span for slow talkers, right? 

Also it was a bit of a spicy take. I’m there saying, ‘All these people telling you, just get an LLC? They don’t know what they’re talking about! It’s not just about getting an LLC; it’s what you do after that counts.’ And I’m telling them, if you’re not following these four steps, you might as well not bother. You’re missing the whole point! That bit of sassiness, I think, really hooked people.

So what I really want to focus on is like, what came next? What elements did you have in place to capitalize on a viral post?

So even before I jumped onto TikTok, I had my email list and a free lead magnet all set up. But, you know, TikTok had this rule back then – you needed a thousand followers to add a link in your bio. So, I was kinda on the edge, just waiting to hit that magic number. And the moment I did? Bam! I immediately added that link to my bio. 

I was all prepped, you know? I knew exactly which link I’d use, had my lead magnet ready to roll. It was all about getting people to check out my bio. I had this game plan laid out and was just itching to launch it as soon as I hit a thousand followers. And right when my video started blowing up, I hit that number. Suddenly, all these new viewers had access to my lead magnet through the bio link. It all just fell into place.

How many subscribers to your email list did you get from people who viewed your viral video? 

So in the first couple of weeks, I got 400 new subscribers and within the first six months, I had 1,500 new subscribers from the video. 

And as far as the conversion rate from TikTok to my email list, here are the numbers:  I got to about 10,000 followers on TikTok in the first week. And then over the next couple of months, I got to about 15,000 followers. Which translated into about 1,500 email subscribers. So, what’s the math on that? Pretty solid conversion rate. 

Especially because signing up for someone’s email list from a TikTok video requires so many actions. They have to finish listening to the video, go to follow you, go to the link in the bio, then actually sign up for the email list. So I was pretty happy with that many people taking that action!

That’s impressive. I’m dying to know what your lead magnet was and how you landed on it — clearly it’s compelling. 

So, what really worked for me was using a free legal cheat sheet as my lead magnet. Before the TikTok explosion, I was already experimenting to see what resonated with new subscribers. It’s all about conversion, right? From people seeing the offer to actually subscribing. 

A huge part of the puzzle was figuring out the right lead magnet. I even changed its name, which made a big difference. Initially, I called it a ‘legal guide,’ but I quickly realized ‘guide’ wasn’t clicking with people. It probably sounded too hefty or overwhelming, especially with legal stuff – not exactly the most thrilling topic.

Switching to ‘cheat sheet’ was a game changer. It’s concise, easy, and who doesn’t want a quick legal cheat sheet? So, before the TikTok video took off, I had this insight, which was lucky. This cheat sheet was already tested, and I knew it was solid. But even after TikTok started driving traffic, I kept a close eye on the conversions. I was always ready to tweak things if needed, constantly asking, ‘Is this still working? Do I need to change anything?’ That kind of vigilance was key.

People opt to get your lead magnet and become subscribers on your email list. Then what? How do you convert them into paying clients? 

I’ve got two main pathways for people interacting with my content. First, there’s the straightforward email list route. Once they sign up, they start receiving a series of emails from me – around four to five over the first couple of weeks. This way, they might decide to make a purchase from one of those emails, or they might stay on the list and become a buyer down the line, maybe in a few months or even years.

The second path kicks in immediately after they sign up. Right after they enter their name and email, they’re redirected to a page for a Tripwire product, a digital product they can purchase right away. This is a cool part – a certain percentage of these people buy the product immediately. So, they also join my email list, but they enter it as customers, not just free subscribers. 

And this wasn’t just a random setup; I had already been testing this before the TikTok buzz. It’s been fascinating to see the stats and the effectiveness of this approach. It’s one thing to have a theory, but watching it play out in real-time and seeing actual conversions? That’s pretty amazing.

Why have a tripwire product right away after people subscribe? 

People who make an immediate purchase are so much more likely to be repeat customers and clients. I remember reading somewhere – and I used to share this stat often – it’s something incredible, like over 50% of instant buyers are more likely to come back for more. And the beauty of it is that the initial offer isn’t a high-ticket item. It’s a low-cost product, so it’s not a huge financial commitment for them. This approach kind of eases them into the buying process.

What’s really happening here is that we’re accelerating the ‘know, like, and trust’ journey. They’re not just passive subscribers; they become active customers right from the start. And because it’s a low-ticket item, that initial leap of faith is smaller, making it easier for them to trust and feel comfortable with our work. This groundwork lays the foundation for future higher-ticket investments as a client. It’s a strategy of warming them up quickly, building trust, and then nurturing that relationship into potentially bigger sales down the line.

That makes total sense. Were you strategic about the content of your tripwire product, in that it leads in specifically to larger investments? Or was it just chosen as an easy thing to say yes to and you worry about converting purchasers into clients later? 

Yeah, so good tripwire product acts like a bridge between the free lead magnet and the main paid product or service. In my case, the free legal cheat sheet is the starting point, aimed primarily at newer business owners who need to get a grip on legal basics. It’s the initial hook. 

The next logical step for them, and my tripwire product, is the business plan. This makes perfect sense because these new business owners are not just looking to attract clients; they’re also figuring out the broader aspects of their business.

Then, once they have their business plan in place and understand the need for legal guidance, the hope is they’ll return for more comprehensive services when they need them.  

So, it’s definitely a structured journey: they start with a basic understanding through the cheat sheet, move to planning with the business plan, and finally, when they realize the importance of legal aspects in their business, they come back for the more in-depth, and paid, legal services. It’s all about guiding them through these stages with value and relevance.

Do you have the stats on how many people purchased the tripwire product? 

In the first three months following the video’s success, about 50 people purchased the tripwire product. Then, by the six-month mark, that number had doubled, just for this lower-ticket item. 

Then several of these initial tripwire buyers went on to purchase more substantial products or services. This included things like my social media manager template, client contract templates, and trademark consultations. A number of them became trademark clients, and others opted for my comprehensive contract template bundles priced around $1500.

After someone buys the tripwire product, what’s the strategy to encourage these uplevels in investments with you? 

So, everyone who signs up, whether they buy the tripwire or not, they all get funneled into my email series. But the funnel for those who’ve already bought something is slightly tweaked. It’s like giving them a VIP experience since they’ve already shown interest. 

But here’s something I’ve learned: different services need different funnel strategies. I’ve seen advice online like, ‘Oh, just three emails and you’re good,’ but that’s not a one-size-fits-all solution. It’s all about testing and seeing what resonates with your audience. 

For me, I experimented by adding a couple more emails after a break in the initial funnel. These extra emails made a difference, especially for sales on the contract template side. The legal field is complex, right? People have tons of questions like, ‘Do I need this? Can I DIY it?’ So, providing various perspectives and information through these additional emails really helped. It’s about giving them the full picture and guiding them through their decision-making process. More emails meant more engagement, and ultimately, more sales.

What takeaways do you want to leave people with?

It’s all about testing and tweaking, not overhauling everything in a panic. I’ve made a lot of adjustments over time, sure, but I’ve never scrapped my entire approach. It’s more like, ‘Hmm, something’s not clicking. Let’s start small – maybe tweak the lead magnet’s name.’ And then, if that’s not it, I might nudge the price a bit. It’s a step-by-step process, focusing on the data, avoiding massive changes all at once. Because if you change everything, how will you know what worked and what didn’t?

When I made these small tweaks, like changing the name of my lead magnet, I could see the conversion rate jump from 0.5% to 4%. That’s huge, right? It’s about making one change at a time, so you can also backtrack if needed. This methodical approach is crucial, especially in long-term strategies like building an email list or working with tripwires.

Oh, and talk about the long game – I just landed a trademark client who initially bought a business plan template from me two and a half years ago! That’s a journey from a simple template purchase to multi-thousand-dollar client. This just goes to show, all the painstaking testing and tweaking isn’t just for short-term gains. It’s about the bigger picture, the gradual growth of your business. 


🎧 Listen to the full, unedited 30-minute interview with Kelli, like an exclusive podcast ➡️ Click here to listen.


About Kelli: Kelli is a virtual lawyer for entrepreneurs and small business owners. She counsels entrepeneurs to help them legally protect their business, mainly through contracts and trademarks. Her goal is to help make the legal side a little less boring and to encourage proactive legal protection to save money, time and stress.

Learn more about Kelli:

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