My best business investments have been with people who model for me how to be a steady, centered, self-led entrepreneur.  As I keep learning, over and over again, if I want a calm, secure business … I first need to cultivate calm security within myself.  And the same goes, it turns out, for leading your dog.   […]

July 20, 2024

When I was 15, I would write in the margins of my school notebooks — in tiny writing, where no one could really see it, but it was there if you looked, lining the pages of my homework. Cramped and compelled: It’s only when I feel alone that I turn to realize that I am.  […]

June 25, 2024

“So in the first couple of weeks after my post, I got 400 new email subscribers.” A ton of people teach about how to get visible (and maybe even go viral) on social media platforms like TikTok. But… what about how to convert those views into email subscribers and paying clients? I asked the founder […]

January 30, 2024

How do you educate potential clients during your sales process to illustrate the value of what you do… when what you do is famously hard to explain neatly?  Like, say, if you’re a consultant.  Sara McCabe is a leadership and business consultant who has implemented strategic education points into her sales process to “de-ambiguify” consulting. […]

December 31, 2023

I always considered having a podcast for your business as firmly in the “content marketing” zone. Like your blog or social media, a podcast is something you create content for to nurture your audience, publish thought leadership, highlight your expertise…. blah blah blah.  Right?  Perhaps not.  There might be a way more strategic way to think about having a […]

December 31, 2023

“The Amazon of Design.”  ^ This moniker is what Bailey, the founder of design studio Honeywave Creative, has given her company.  Like Amazon, the services she delivers are turned around remarkably fast. As in: a single day.  Like Amazon, she has leveraged this fast-delivery into a strong reputation…. and in doing so, scaled her company to $50k […]

December 31, 2023

Paid lead-generation that goes beyond nominally paying for your time, but actually becomes a lucrative revenue stream on its own? ^ this is what sales funnel copywriter Jess Haney has achieved, bringing in about $40,000 this year from being a paid expert in others’ coaching programs.  That’s $40k on top of what she earns from clients who […]

December 31, 2023

It took me a literal 5 years in business to join LinkedIn. ‘Cause I was a little freaked out about a platform ostensibly made for corporate folks — a world I escaped almost immediately post graduation.  As a creative and entrepreneur, I felt intimidated and confused about how to make it work for me. But […]

December 31, 2023

Scaling. Growth. ^ big topics in the service business space, as we all pursue the dream of earning more for less time working. We’ve seen the advice about the how, usually stuff like… But what happens when you do one (or more) of these and… you’re still stuck with the same old time-money dilemma? I […]

December 31, 2023

Strong recurring revenue is something a lot of service-based business owners struggle to nail down, particularly if your industry has traditionally billed per hour or per deliverable — or if your industry is highly seasonal.  This is exactly what Christy Bowie, the founder of a full-service accounting firm, had to get to creative about. She wanted […]

December 31, 2023